Don’t put off recruitment until January

Consider this phrase – “Don’t put off recruitment until January”.

As thoughts turn to the Christmas party and time with the family, we start to see a drop off in new jobs being released as many clients postpone interviews, offers and start dates until the New Year. January usually sees a massive increase in recruitment activity as business plans come into action.
With so much competition for talent in January, this undoubtedly increases the risk of missing out on the best people, as candidates can be far more selective. This can sometimes mean offering an increase in basic salary to secure the best, or an increase in timescale as candidates look at all of their options.

Maybe it is time to consider taking staff on in December instead.  This could mean that competition for talent is significantly less than it will be in January, and new people can hit the ground running in the new year - a very solid argument for getting ahead of the curve!